Complaints Lead Emma Cheyne
Telephone: 01302 34 34 32
E-mail: info@elements.org.uk
Our Procedure
If you wish to make a complaint, you will have access to an effective complaints process.
The complaints process has been devised to fulfil the requirements of The Clinical Disputes Forum.
- There is a written policy and procedure for all aspects of service, care, and treatment, including the stages and timescale for the process.
- If you complain, you will receive an acknowledgement within three working days of receipt of the complaint and a full response within 20 working days.
- Where the investigation is still in progress, an email explaining the reason for the delay will be sent within five working days of a conclusion being made.
- The procedure includes a written confirmation of the stages and action taken.
- The complaints procedure is known to all staff, and you are trained to know:
- What constitutes a complaint.
- What the procedures are for dealing with complaints.
- Those staff involved in the procedural elements are properly trained in its operation.
- A register of complaints, including any action taken, is maintained.
- A procedure is in place to enable issues raised in complaints to be learnt from in order to improve our service. Complaints are raised at clinical meetings and the issues discussed.
- The complaint, when the procedure is concluded, is brought to the attention of the clinical meetings.
- Any upheld complaint concerning individual members of staff will be recorded and appropriate action taken through our formal disciplinary procedures.