PDO Threads Training

by Elements Medical

We are consistently making sure that our aesthetic practitioners are receiving new and up to date training on new procedures and products. Dr. Grace who is the lead general practitioner at a popular London Harley street clinic, came to Doncaster to train some more of our team in PDO threads.

This is fast becoming one of our more popular treatments as it is such a quick procedure with little to no down time for the patient. PDO threads for face and neck are simple, dissolvable stitches that gently lift the face and neck to give a more contoured shape for a younger and firmer looking face. You can read more information here.

The precision with which the threads can be placed means you can choose to have treatment directly where a lift is needed too, rather than lifting the entire face. Areas which can be lifted:

  • Brows
  • Nose
  • Upper lip
  • Cheeks
  • Marionette lines (either side of mouth)
  • Jowls and jaw
  • Neck

You can book in for a consultation to see which procedures would be best for you by phoning our reception team on 01302 343432

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