Gummy Smile Treatment

Gummy Smile Treatment

Gummy Smile

Gummy Smile Treatment

Gummy Smile Treatment

Gummy Smile

image of woman touching temples for Elements Medical Spa
A gummy smile is a smile that shows a lot of gum. The gummy smile treatment is a way to correct this without invasive dentistry or surgery. Botulinum toxin is injected into the upper lip, causing it to relax and stop it from rising too far over the gums when you smile. This treatment can be carried out in our Doncaster clinic.

A gummy smile can be caused by an overactive upper lip muscle. The gummy smile treatment works by injecting Botulinum toxin into the upper lip, temporarily blocking nerve transmitters and relaxing the upper lip.

This treatment lasts approximately 4-6 months, allowing you the gorgeous smile you always dreamed of.

It can also be caused by a thin top lip, which some subtle lip fillers can correct. We can carry out both these treatments at our clinic in Doncaster.

Before the procedure, you will be given a full consultation. We will analyse the size and activity of the muscle that needs correcting and discuss the outcome you desire. Your treatment will be tailored to you.

During the procedure, Botulinum toxin will be injected both sides of the nose junction and above the nose to mouth fold to weaken the muscle. The full results will be visible within a few days. You should avoid touching or massaging the area for around 6 hours after treatment.

Gummy Smile Treatment Benefits

  • Improved confidence
  • More flattering smile
  • A balanced looking face
  • Teeth appear straighter
Title graphic for Elements Medical Spa
  • Gummy Smile £55 or £30 as an additional area
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Gummy Smile Treatment


Procedure Time

15 minutes

Results seen in

2 weeks to see results, which then last for 4-6 months

Potential Effects

Redness, swelling, bruising




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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Botulinum Toxin?

Botulinum toxin is a protein that relaxes muscles by blocking nerve impulses. It was approved for cosmetic use by the FDA in 2002 and is a popular treatment.

How does it work?

Botulinum toxin (Botox) is injected into the upper lip, causing it to relax and stop it from rising too far over the gums when you smile.

How long is the Procedure

The treatment is fairly quick so you should have completed your treatment between 10 – 20 minutes

Am I suitable for the treatment?

Before we start, we will carry out a full consultation with you to assess if you are suitable. As long as you are generally fit and healthy, are not allergic to Botulinum toxin products, do not plan on having facial surgery or are not pregnant you are likely to suitable.

How long do results last?

Results last for between 4 and 6 months. You can keep having the treatment for as long as you like.

What happens if I stop having the injections?

Your smile will return to how it was. You can start again as soon as you are ready.

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How to Book

Step 1

Select Your Treatment
Browse through our website and choose the treatment that’s right for you.

Step 2

Book Online or Call Us
Follow the link below to book your treatment online. Or call us on 01302 34 34 32

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Step 3

Complete Your Forms
Your medical history form will be emailed for you to complete before you attend.

How to Book

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Step 1

Select Your Treatment
Browse through our website and choose the treatment that’s right for you.

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Step 2

Book Online or Call Us
Follow the link below to book your treatment online. Or call us on 01302 34 34 32

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Step 3

Complete Your Forms
Your medical history form will be emailed for you to complete before you attend.

Make an Enquiry